The Brighton Flower Company Blog

Discover our blog where you'll be able to find lots of floral inspiration, the latest trend insights and tips for caring for your flowers and plants. Got a question? Get in touch with our team today.

Choosing Sustainable Flowers

Handmade bouquet in brighton

Just like fruit and vegetables, certain flowers bloom at certain times of the year. Spring flowers like the tulip, the daffodil and the primrose appear between March and June. Summer flowers like the daisy, delphinium and hydrangea between June and September. Early Autumn flowers like the pansy and chrysanthemum. The point is, year round we […]

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How To Decorate A Christmas Tree

Christmas tree decorations

Decorating your Christmas tree ready for the festive season can be one of the most enjoyable experiences in the lead up to the big day. It’s fun for all of the family and can really get everyone in the festive spirit. However, in reality it can be quite difficult to find the perfect style and […]

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House Plants For Easter Gifts

Easter Flowers

Easter is fast approaching (Sunday 17th April just in case you’d forgotten) and with that comes a chance to unwind and relax over the long weekend, celebrating with friends and family, as we transition from early spring and look forward to the longer days of summer. Flowers are a traditional gift for this time of […]

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How to Choose Mothers Day Flowers: The Ultimate Guide

As you may have seen, with daffodils popping their little heads up, snow-drops sleepily stretching towards the sunlight, and primroses bursting out of the ground, Spring is (finally) on its way! And, with that, so is Mother’s Day.  It’s that time of year again when mothers all over the world are celebrated for everything they […]

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Types Of Flowers For Valentines Day

Valentine's Day Flowers

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.” Emotive. Sensual. Fragrant. Intricately complex and unashamedly beautiful. It’s not hard to see why the tradition of floral gifting has endured the test of time. For thousands of years the language of flowers has enabled the wordless representation of […]

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Pets and Plant Toxicity

Dog with basket of flowers

First of all, Happy New Year! After a very successful December teaching over 100 of you lovely lot how to create festive door wreaths and table centre arrangements for your dinner parties we are happy to be back and providing you all with your blooms and plants in twenty-twenty-two! Speaking of the latter as many […]

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The Best Flowers For Bees & Bee Friendly Plants

Bee Friendly Flowers

The sound of bees going about their business, buzzing gently from one flower to the next surely conjures images of blue skies, green grass and long summers days. Bees are incredibly important pollinators, essential to the ongoing health of our ecosystems but sadly for a variety of reasons many species of bees are in decline. […]

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Guide To British Summer Flowers

The summer season brings a variety of vibrant and beautiful plants and flowers that can really brighten up your home, garden or even your wedding bouquet! As different flower types bloom in different seasons, we’ve created this guide focused on British summer flowers to help you understand which flowers will be looking their best during […]

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Meaningful Father’s Day Gift & Present Ideas

As we approach that time of year again, with Father’s Day just around the corner, it’s a great time to take a moment and think about how you’ll choose to celebrate. Hand delivered Father’s Day flowers perhaps? Or maybe some chocolates for those father figures with a sweet tooth? A card in the post, or […]

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The Ultimate Guide To Flower Arrangements For Weddings

Flowers can really bring a wedding to life. They are the perfect backdrop to any ceremony, can add a touch of colour to your wedding venue, and the bridal bouquet is an amazing accessory that completes your stunning wedding look. There are a lot of different types of wedding flowers and wedding bouquets that you […]

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